Template creation

Create the template class

To create the template class you can use the npm command line :

npm run bgdpr new template

Then the terminal will ask you.

  1. the id of your template : my_template
  2. its public name : My template
  3. the class name : MyTemplateTemplate

Once done, a new folder is created in ./bim-gdpr/templates/{your service id} (./bim-gdpr/templates/my_template) In this folder you can find

  • README.md : the documentation file (to complete),
  • translations : a folder containing default translations.
  • scss : a folder containing default scss.
  • {your template id}.js : the file containing the class of your service.

Defining the class

The auto generated class (./bim-gdpr/templates/{you template id}.js) allows you to define your own markup and other facilities such as translations.

Create your markup

The template class auto-generates 4 methods that allows you to render your own markup. For some functional reasons, bim-GDPR needs to wrap some part of the markup such as service, and groups. That's why your template must isolate these parts. To do so, the View object calls 4 methods that you can redefine.

Methods Info
getNoServiceMarkup Return the markup of the view when no service is declared
getViewMarkup(contentData) Return the markup of the entire view.
contentData is not object that can contain the list of services markups or groups markups if groups are defined
getGroupMarkup(group, serviceListMarkup) Returns the markup of a group.
group is the Group object and serviceListMarkup is the list of services markups.
getServiceMarkup(service) Returns the markup of the service.
service is a Service object

Interactions and behaviors.

The view manager comes with an action system that allows you to execute processes by clicking on items that have a certain attribute. For example, the persistent button that you can find on the bottom-right of a window contains the attribute data-bgpr-toggle-view. That attribute indicates to the view manager that he has to toggle the visible state of the view.

Here you can find the list of attributes that trigger actions :

Attributes Info
all-enable Enable all services
all-disable Disable all services
view-toggle-detail Toggle view display
view-hide Hide the view
view-show Show the view
group-toggle-detail Toggle group detail display
group-toggle Toggle enable status of all the services of a group
service-enable Enable the service
service-disable Disable the service
service-toggle Toggle the service status

Strings and translations

To use translated text, you should use the this.html method in order to wrap texts. This method also allows other developer to override the default text that you will define in your own template.

This code above shows you how to define a default text, and then a-how it could be overriden in particular context.

 * Class for the my_template template.
export class MyTemplateTemplate{

    // {...}

     * Return the content when no service is declared.
     * @returns {string}
        return  `
                ${this.html(`This is a message`)}


// Then other developpers can override this message :
    'This is a message': 'This is a particular message'