Template Methods

Here is the list of available methods of a Template


Name Detail Call context
initTemplate  Init the template Called when template is added to the Core object
getDefaultCssList  Return the list of default css files urls Called when the Core object is initialized
getCssList  Return the list of css files urls Called when the Core object is initialized
setCssList(cssList)  Update the list of css files urls
wrapper(content)  Wrap the markup of the view into constant dom part Called when the view is displayed
getNoServiceMarkup  Return the markup of the view when no service is declared Called when the view is displayed
getViewMarkup(content)  Return the markup of the view. "content" contains the list of isolated markups Called when the view is displayed
getServiceMarkup(service)  Return the markup of a service Called when the view is displayed
getGroupMarkup(group, serviceMarkupList)  Return the markup of a group. "servicelMarkupList" is an array of the service markup Called when the view is displayed
html(id, data)  Return the translated string Called when the view is displayed
getUngroupedTitle  Return the title of the ungrouped service part. Called when the view is displayed
getShowPromise  Return a promise that can temporise the addition to the DOM Called when the view is displayed
getHidePromise  Return a promise that can temporise the removal from the DOM Called when the view is displayed
getParentElement  Return the parent element where the view should be added Called when the view is displayed

LocalizedElementAbstract methods

Template extends LocalisedElementAbstract.

Name Detail Call context
initTranslations Load translations Called when service is initialised
setDefaultLanguage Set the default language.
getDefaultLanguage Get the default language.
getDefaultTranslations Return the default translation file list. Called on initTranslations
getTranslations Return the translation file list
setTranslations(fileList) Set the translation file list
addTranslation Add a translation if user language is different of the default language